If they don't have that suit on hand, they can play any card, except a suit of Spades, on the first trick. Players must follow the suit of the card that has been laid down before their turn. Each team combines their bids to determine how many tricks they have to take to avoid negative points. In each round, players bid on how many tricks they can take.
At the start of the game, each player is dealt 13 cards, and the player to the left of the dealer goes first. Cards are ranked from Ace being the highest value to 2 being the lowest. The goal of the game is to get your team to 500 points. If you're just looking for a brush-up on the rules, look no further! For people who haven't played the game before, we suggest looking through our thorough guide on how to play Spades, where you'll also find a helpful interactive tutorial that'll lead you through a game.